Friday, March 25, 2011

Steve Spangler - How to be an Amazing Teacher

A great clip that reminds us of why its important to create unforgettable learning experiences - wonder, discovery and exploration!

The difference between good and great - a great teacher doesn't just teach facts they teach us this real world application - not just how to do something but why to do it. Unforgettable learning experiences- you may not always remember what you did in that class but you do remember that you loved being there!


  1. I want more time!!!! I want more time to create those unforgettable experiences. Although I know my kids in my class love coming to school everyday so as I reflect on 'why' I think about moments like '20 days at school, so lets blow up 20 balloons and write 1 to 20 on them and learn how to say all the numbers as we bop them into the air.' It's posts like this that inspire me to bottle those moments, celebrate the making of an unforgettable experience and look ahead to 50 days at school!

  2. Agree with you totally Jan! Never forget the 'why' of what we do and always think about what sort of 'dent' we want to make in the lives of the children we teach. How do we help them to find the 'why' in what they do? How do we connect everything they do to the bigger picture - the world outside the classroom.
