Scott McLeod - first keynote #lats11
Two big shifts and one big problem: The growing disconnects between schools and our digital, global society
Outside of the educational enterprise, seismic shifts in our information and economic landscapes are rapidly and drastically altering every single information-oriented societal sector. In contrast, elementary, secondary, and postsecondary educators are struggling to adapt to the digital, global era in which we now live. What does it mean to prepare students for the next century rather than the last? What big questions should be guiding your educational practice? - click on workshops!
Part of a fantasy group as a Principal....what changes can I make?
Community conversations... everyone has a voice, we can find each other and work together...but what about those not actively involved?
Aging population
Emergence of Asia
Human intimate transactions are moving online.
Creating a new information landscape with Web 2.0 tools - distinct parallels of effects from printing press age to digital
We’re removing the third party intermediary - we all know have a voice.. It’s also cost effective - no publishing costs.
Web2.0 - it’s not an audience, it’s a community. - a multidirectionary dialogue, but one way.
550 million Facebook
We have a voice, can easily find each other, talk with each other. - sums out the shift.
Aah - social networking ! Participatory spaces :)
Not just a place to find stuff - it’s a partcipatory space, create, make share converse.
Tech that changes the game into something completely different - disruptive innovations
The Hype Cycle is a great illustration of new innovations as well
cycle will always continue!!!
Does everyone have equal access to the new innovations? information landscape changing rapidly but can everyone keep up with the changes i.e access/ affordability etc
excellent keynote but devices are not as important as ideas?
Community that I work in, some of my students don’t have access to power or running water etc, ICT critical for them but...access to these technologies will only happen at school.
I have access to a mobile phone and this has changed my behaviour, my students don’t and still travel 6kms to the nearest public phone - the DI and ideas around it havent changed their behaviour.
This keynote is excellent but I would like to think there is room for discussion around these issues
I agree only about 60% of my class have access to the internet at home...But I believe this will change as mobile technologies increase and prices decrease - as long as the capability is there ie infrastructutre..
As demand for these increase technologies price will decrease. In africa they sell mobile cards in dollar amounts.
Stick with ideas relating to how the DIs change behaviour, not the devices themselves - this is good Scott
Every information aspect of society has to change they way they interact or go under - schools included. Radically changing and reshaping, not tweaking.
Location dependent -being right there - hairdressers. taxi drivers
Location independent - wherever - accountants, tell operators
Abstract cognitive work - growth in 21st Century skills
used to be able to rely on geographical isolation - web has destroyed geography
The answer is to make commodities high end, value added, high cognitive input CREATIVITY has become a commodity.
where is the emphasis on creativity in our curriculum . social partipatory media great but check out the elearning pedagogy at the bottom of this page - and there’s the but!
Creation not Content! - for assessment too.
Where are our Leonardo Da Vincis ?
“No generation in history has been so thoroughly prepared for the industrial age.” David Warlick We’ve done the 1960’s really well - for 50 years LOL
- what parents hear from our politicians just reinforces this!
The bottom end of blooms is supposed to be a floor, not a ceiling - not the focus for teaching and learning = Great quote.
STEM 4 21st Century development needs = Science Technology Engineering Maths
1. Need to get schools mostly above the red line - above the apply.
2. Need to pull the tech tools into the process in ways that relevant and useful.
3. Get all homes connected to broadband. Every teacher and student needs a ‘plug in’ device
4. Greater flexibility of funds, infrastructure, preservice (!!! :)
Devising NEW ways to do this - get to who controls the resources
No one will thank you for taking care if today if you fail to take care of tomorrow.
PRINCIPALS - LEAD - DON’T JUST MANAGE - otherwise you might be outsourced!
we have to be marketers - we have to get our communities to make the shift! Their version of school is old school.
Keynote Day 2
- students being patient teaching teachers!!! hearing from them things we often say/think as a teacher!!
- too much use of digital teachers eg youtube etc
- Why not teacher students how to provide technology support for teachers - in classroom, collab learning. This allows us to provide support outside of formal PD
- A much larger support network for ICT for teachers when using the students - they are a huge percentage of the school population after all!
- important that students know when ask for help, they need this confidence, it needs to be nurtured
- 92% of school population are students
- Technology Ecology - waste nothing (talent, energy, passion); multiple purposes and uses, raise the bar, grow your own
- Tech kids need time to learn these skills... If the children don’t have the commitment it will not work. MS kids can teach kids!
- Free resources link at the top is gold... this presentation and more.
- students listen more to fellow students
- students can be brought around to part of the solution instead of part of the problem
- Teachers used the GenYES project with resounding success but many said they didn’t feel able to put it into practise???!!!!
- Authentic problems for student support -
- Tech support
- PD support
- Student technology literacy
- Found her blog site and it has mint resources for Africa!!
- authentic learning in students teaching students and teachers
- Peer mentoring using strengths of students (this could be in any and all school areas thereby providing nearly all students with roles of being ‘in charge’ - great for student leadership)
- Evaluation of student learning can be a peer to peer activity
- Digital Citizenship - being a member of a community with shared values.
- Trust - empowerment - belonging - engagement - responsibility - independence - voice
- Students learn many skills when taking on these teaching/mentoring roles
- Citizenship is a VERB - it is not a thing you learn or a set of rules to be taught
- We have to give students responsibility for them to learn responsibility
- Citizenship is being part of a community - with shared values.
- Citizenship is about - Trust, empowerment, belonging, engagement, responsibility, independence voice
- U + 1Q (you plus one question) You can what can my students do to help to improve technology in education.
- a great link to NZ based research on Tech angels