Breakout 1 - A shared vision with a twist? - Stanley Ave
What does the vision mean to the students?
Based on the 4 pillars (unesco report) - learning to do - know - be - get along with others
** similiar to MBS learner profile but then scaffolded in how this is seen **
overall school model/philsophy of profile / inquiry model then tailored back to the individual room ie everything links back - how long does this take?? (Make haste slowly!?!)
** e-learing integration authentic ** (key!)
** ULTRANET ** (one option)
- Portfolio - sharing space... from sandpit to action
porthole into all facets of school life - from school wide to classroom to teacher portfolio area - provide any time any where communication with community
our learner profile is our ‘dream learner’
“The principle goal of education is to create people who are capable of doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done” - Piaget
Teaching kids to learn, unlearn and relearn!
Teaching the practice that requires the tools rather than the otherway round! Ensures quality teaching and learning! This idea is always the common theme of these conference breakouts but they’re preaching to the choir, aren’t they?
An example:
teaching kids to check the authenticity of a site
Great inferencing and writing site, highly rated and linked to other resources.
Breakout 5 - The place of the Library in our School
- a site of learning and knowledge creating??
- EPIC password for all students and teachers - does everyone know this?
Tools and Guides | Services to Schools: "The library as 'place' - the physical environment"