Our School Story
Yesterday our staff team hosted staff from two other school that we have collaborated with over the last year (St Theresa's and Otatara). We shared the different parts of what we are doing here with our teaching and learning programmes. A big overarching theme that is consistent through all our initiatives is the development of what we call 'student agency'. In a nutshell this is about providing our learners the opportunity to act and have more input into the decisions that surround their learning. At MBS we are very passionate to see every learner grow in both their awareness of, and also their ability to have this 'agency'. We see this as our main role as educators and, as a I commented at assembly last week, we appreciate your support in this. It means that sometimes you will hear your child say "I don't know how to do that". At that point we need you to encourage them to work out the solution to their problem. It might be for them to approach their teacher or for them to try a different approach. What's important is that they are learning to problem solve their problems within the framework that their programme puts in place. There is a 'plus one' for any situation, meaning wherever you are, whatever you know means there's a next step that's either visible or discoverable!